Friday, December 19, 2014

Kiel High school SHow Choir

This morning we were able to see the Kiel High School Show Choir perform a short program for us in the gym!  They did a wonderful job and shared some FUN Christmas songs with us!  What awesome role models for the kids as they sang their heart out to our whole school!:-)


  1. What is Headsprout?  Headsprout is a kids' reading program that uses effective, interactive online episodes to help teach K-5 students the reading fundamentals and comprehension skills they need to help them become successful readers!  It is all personalized to be at their appropriate level. We have been using this program since the start of the year during our Guided Reading/Centers time. Just a reminder!  You can log-in at home!  It is very easy and the kids love looking at what level they are at! Just go to this link:
  2. Then where it says Login-type in our username: nkeifenheim
  3. Let me know if you have any problems. 

TUESDAY, December 23-PJS

Reminder: Next Tuesday, December 23 will be our POLAR EXPRESS DAY!  
We will be reading/studying the story POLAR EXPRESS  & doing some fun activities based on this awesome storybook!

  • Students can wear Pajamas to school!  (please make sure they have boots & snow things to wear outside so they are warm:-)
  • We will have popcorn and hot chocolate in the afternoon as part of our special Christmas celebration:-)
I am looking for donations of the following: 
  • bags of "popped" popcorn 
  • Styrofoam cups (23)
  • plastic spoons (23)
  • Hot Cocoa packets  (23)
  • Bowls (23)
Thank you!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches!

We have an awesome new tree in our classroom!  Thank you to the De Troye family for donating it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Santa Writing

This is a FUN writing project we do each year that is currently hanging in the hall!  I read the story SANTA GOT STUCK aloud to the class. We then wrote to the following prompt: If Santa got stuck in my chimney  I would __________________ .  The students then made a fun project to SHOW SANTA stuck in the chimney:-)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast!

I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving with your families, time together is so very special!  Mrs. Hoban and I would just like to say THANK YOU for helping to make our class's Thanksgiving Feast so successful!  The children were ecstatic getting everything ready in our room last week and were happy to share the meal with their special person!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reading Buddies

Our class is reading buddies with Mrs. Schneider's fourth grade class.  Every Tuesday the students meet with their buddies to read together for 15 minutes.  Here they are:

Monday, December 1, 2014

November Green Team!

Here is a picture of the students who stayed on green all month. They are the green team! Way to go boys and girls!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Monday-Food Prep, etc list

Thanksgiving Feast 

Monday, November 24, 2014
Mrs. Hoban/Keifenheim's 
First Grade Classroom
WOW!  We have a wonderful “feast” planned for Monday!  The kids are very excited as we have started our “preparations” for all our guests.  We have special parents/family members who are coming! This event is very special to the kids and they are E-X-C-I-T-E-D!! 
Attached you will find the list of things we have assigned (per your request or I have spoken with you:-) for our Thanksgiving Feast.  PLEASE let me know if you are unable to bring your items so we can plan accordingly.   Please send these to school Monday morning.  It would be very helpful if anything that needs to be kept warm you drop off/bring in a crock pot. 
We just wanted to say a special THANK YOU to all our families who have generously donated time, money, food, and supplies to our Thanksgiving Feast.  We know how hard it is to commit to extra things like this with EVERYTHING else going on in our busy families this time of year.  We are blessed with a wonderful group of students and families this year and FOR THAT we are truly thankful for this season.  
Mrs. Hoban/Keifenheim
Forks and Spoons (20 each child)-Trinity, Saul, & Eli                                   
Vegetables: Clara (corn x 3 cans), Aaron (veggies and dip)
Mashed Potatoes: Logan and Jared
Fruit: Jared
Rolls AND ButterJ: Jordyn, Aubri (2 dozen each)
Plates and Napkins: Ava and Maddy (20 each)
Stuffing/Dressing: Ben & Mrs. Keifenheim
Apple Juice with Cups: Cassidy & Clara (1 large juice each and 20 cups each)
Dessert: Colton, Caden (Pumpkin), Tegen (Apple Pie), Irmaia (cherry cheesecake)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving Project!

Check it out!  The students created this AWESOME turkey project in Art class in early November.  We paired up our writing lesson to go with it!  How to catch a Turkey! Too, too cute!  The kids were very creative with how THEY would try to catch it:-)  Our 1st grade hallway is decorated with these..Gobble, Gobble!

More Museum Pictures!